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Phone Number:

020 8854 3637

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School Address:

East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

East Wickham Primary Academy home page

East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving

Year 3 Home Learning

In order to keep our website as user friendly as possible, we will only hold 3 weeks of work before removing. Please download what you need.

This page was last updated on: Monday13th June at 08:30hrs


Home Learning & Daily Challenges

TT Rockstars for Year 3

We have secured a FREE temporary subscription to TT Rockstars, a website which helps children learn their times tables and have fun doing so. If you would like access, please email including your child's name and class. By requesting access, you are consenting for us to process your child's information for the use of the TT Rockstars website. Please do not share your login details with others. Please note, this is only currently available for Years 2, 3 and 4 children.

Other Useful Resources

Year 3 Spellings

Times Tables