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020 8854 3637

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East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

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East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving


TKAT ACE Tutors - A Champion for Every Child     


What is an ACE tutor?


ACE tutors work with closely with children and their families with the simple aim of removing any barriers to learning.

ACE tutors may be teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral or support staff who have a passion for giving extra support to children. 

The role of the ACE tutor is to be the advocate for the children, celebrate their achievements with them as well as being a listening ear to support them with any struggles they may have. 

They will also liaise between teachers and parents/ carers to ensure that as a team all those that play a part in supporting the child can share their successes and support with anything they are finding challenging. 

How do ACE Tutors support our children at EWPA?

ACE Tutors start by getting to know their children, this provides them with valuable information about how they feel about school, things that they enjoy or have a passion for (in and out of school) and their future aspirations.

Once relationships are established, each child regularly meets their ACE Tutor.  Discussions may be centred around:​


  • Friendships 

  • Attitude to learning 

  • Skills and hobbies 

  • Confidence

  • Resilience 

  • Emotions 

  • Subjects which a child requests support with

From these discussions, barriers are identified,  targets and support will be agreed by the the tutor and child with the aim of providing a focus to build success.





Who are the ACE Tutors at EWPA?


EYFS and KS1


Mrs Wellings   

Year 3

Mrs Parnham

Year 4








Mrs Skinner

Year 5








Mrs Sewell

Year 6

Mrs Tuersley