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Phone Number:

020 8854 3637

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School Address:

East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

East Wickham Primary Academy home page

East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving


Punctuality - Every minute counts!

Being on time matters, it ensures that your child does not miss out on anything but more importantly it means that your child does not feel like they stand out. Our children tell us this for themselves...


'I hate walking into my classroom when everyone has started their jobs, I don't know what to do'


' I want to go through the door with my friends in the morning, I don't like going through the office.'


'I want to be able to talk to my teacher first thing to tell her how I'm feeling, I can't do that when I am late.'


We know that you want the very best for your children- help themto achieve this by ensuring they arrive on time.


Our school day begins and ends at...

Nursery9.00am -12.00pm
Reception and Keystage 18.45am - 3.15pm                                                      
Keystage 28.45am- 3.25pm


Registers close at 9.15 a.m. Arrival at school after this time, without prior approval or extenuating circumstances, will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.


Children arriving at school after 9.00 a.m. must enter and report to the school office to be signed in by an adult.

Children leaving school for any reason must be signed out in the office, parents and carer's are expected to provide a reason why their child is going home and in the case of any appointments, provide evidence.