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Phone Number:

020 8854 3637

Email Address:

School Address:

East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

East Wickham Primary Academy home page

East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving

Home Learning Resources

Google Classroom

We continue to upload homework to Google Classroom.


If you have any issues accessing Classroom, please email and someone will reply as soon as possible. Please ensure that you provide as much detail about the issue and include any screenshots. Thank you.

Starting 'big school' 

We know that starting school in either Nursery and Reception can be daunting. Please find some useful resources to help the transtion to be as smooth as possible.


TT Rockstars and Numbots

To further support home learning, we have a subscription to TT Rockstars and Numbots which help equip children with core maths skills such as addition and subtraction. If you would like access to either service, please email with your child's full name and class. 

Please note, the login details are identical for each service.

Pre-Recorded Book Reading Videos

Is my child ready for...?

The below summer packs are provided to help you prepare your child with the skills and knowledge needed for returning to school in September.

We wish you all an amazing summer and we look forward to seeing everyone when we return in September. Stay safe. 

Whole School Learning

Keeping Well

Success for All (SfA)


Spanish Challenges for KS2

Staying Safe Online

We have created a weekly P.E. plan for you to try at home with your children to keep everyone at East Wickham as active as possible! All of the activities can be completed using objects that you have at home and we have included a weekly personal challenge for your child to complete. You will also find 'active breaks' that can be completed between home learning activities or when you fancy having a break! 

Physical Activity at Home

Can you spell out your first name and complete the activity listed for each letter? 
For a greater challenge you could complete the activity for your full name or include your middle name!

Creative Ideas at Home

Boredom Buster

Other Resources

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