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020 8854 3637

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East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

East Wickham Primary Academy home page

East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Offer

In order to ensure that learning is continued, irrespective of lockdown and self-isolation, EWPA has developed the following plan.

This plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and the internet so may require hard copies of work and resources. We have also through discussion and parental surveys, understood that our offer needs to give parents flexibility when accessing the learning activities. With this in mind, all of the learning provided on Google Classroom is recorded so that parents and children can access at their convenience. There will be ‘live’ sessions regularly throughout the week to ensure that children are still receiving ‘live’ feedback and opportunity to see their teacher and peers on a regular basis. All live sessions follow very strict protocols.

The remote learning offer will be applied in the following instances:

  • A full national lockdown
  • A whole bubble self-isolating
  • An individual self-isolating because of a positive test within the household or close contact with an individual who has tested positive.

This plan complies with the expectations and principles as outlined in the DFE document Guidance for full opening of schools.

Google Classroom


Within all the above instances, teachers will set appropriate work in line with the current curriculum and school day, we use Google Classroom as our learning platform. This will be supplemented by a range of resources including Oak National Academy, BBC bitesize, Cbbc, SFA (success for all), Maths Mastery and Phonics Play.

Children will remain in contact with their class teacher through Google Classroom and in the EYFS via TAPESTRY.

TT Rockstars and Phonics Play will also be used to support the acquisition and retention of basic core skills.

We understand that not all our families have access to a printer, all work on Google Classroom will not require parents to print out sheets, all activities can be completed on paper.


What learning will be provided and what does the teaching look like?

Our main aim is to keep the school day as close to normal as possible and to enable your child to access input from their year group teachers. Your child will be taught the same curriculum remotely as they would in school. Some of this will be through teacher recorded input and some through the use of alternative provision websites e.g. Oak National Academy.

In addition to this, we provide links to a wide variety of secure educational websites that will provide additional support for learning at home.

Across each week day, teachers publish a daily timetable in Google Classroom on the stream. Timings are given to help parents to organise the learning across the day and the time allocation for the tasks to be completed and uploaded. However, as stated previously, the work can be accessed at any time.

Each day, the teachers will be completing an attendance register, in order to track the children’s engagement with remote education. Children who are not engaging daily will be contacted by the school.

Please see below for an example of what might be included in a daily timetable:

9.00-9.30 Phonic/Spelling, punctuation and grammar

9.30-10.30 English tasks – including reading and writing

11.00-12.15 Maths Mastery lesson

1.15-1.30 Maths Meeting

1.30-2.30 Topic research/writing

2.45-3.15 Live story time/feedback session or celebration assembly


Reading is key for all children to progress, we expect children to read for a minimum of 15 minutes per day.

How long can I expect work set by school to take my child each day?

The work set, including any taught lessons will average between 3-4 hours per day. There should be time set aside for your child to take breaks and carry out some physical exercise.

Google Classroom will be made available as soon as possible from closure, as you can appreciate it will take teachers time to prepare learning resources and organize video timetables etc.


Will the class teacher be available each day?

As a school we endeavor to ensure that your child’s class teacher is available across the school day hours, there may be occasions that they are unavailable (in the case of illness), in which case another member of the year group teaching team will be available to the class.

We would also like to inform you, that in order to support our staff, we continue to ensure that all teachers receive their PPA time (planning, preparation and assessment) on one afternoon each week. In these times, links for activities will be provided however there will be no feedback or teacher availability. Should you require any support during these times, you should contact

Please see below for your year groups PPA time

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Year 4





Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 5





Year 6




When will live assemblies take place?

We want to continue to celebrate your children’s hard work and progress during these times. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Whiley will continue to lead the weekly ‘star of the week’ assembly. These will be live on the following days:







Mrs. Whiley

1.30 R

1.30 N


1.30 Y1

1.30 Y2

Mrs. Moore



1.15 Y4

2.00 Y5

1.15 Y3



How does the school continue with its safeguarding duties?
It remains our responsibility to ensure that all of our children are kept safe and well at all times. We have a clear system to ensure that we are monitoring all of the children during the school day (whether this is in school or at home).
Our expectation is that every child who is able (e.g. with a device) logs in to Google classroom during the school week. Children who are evidently not engaging with Google Classroom, will trigger a call to their parent/carer to offer support to help them to be able to engage.
Regular calls and home visits will be made to families as required and a log of these will be kept.


Monitoring and Assessment of learning
Ongoing assessments continue to be used in order to support the purpose of learning for our children. It helps teachers to ensure that content is moving at an appropriate pace. This may take the form of quizzes/reading comprehensions, the completion and outcomes of tasks set, vocabulary definitions linked to the theme/topic of learning and live feedback. 
The ultimate aim of our remote offer is to closely resemble a normal in class lesson/school day.

What are the expectations for parents/carers in supporting children at home?

We ask that you try to set a routine for your child during the time that they are at home. We do realise that this isn’t always easy when you are working from home, but it will make the learning much easier if it is at regular set times.

When your child is logging on for any kind of remote learning we ask that you follow our safeguarding and protocol procedures and preferably sit with or near to your child, if you have also seen the input, it will help you to understand the learning and expectations in order to support your child as appropriate.

We will be keeping a note of which children access the learning and how much work they complete. There will be at least weekly feedback opportunities as well as the uploading of pieces of work in Google Classroom for marking and feedback. If you are struggling with the learning, please do not hesitate to email your child’s class teacher for further support and guidance.

We recognise that some children, for example, children with additional needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those children. We will continue to stay in close contact with any family requiring specific help and offer additional guidance and support.


What if I don’t have access to the internet?

The learning will be available on any online device – laptop, tablet, phone, X-box. If you do not have access to any of these devices, we ask that you inform the school office so that we can support you with this. Until ICT access is available, we will provide a pack of work (this work will not be the same as the work on Google Classroom and will only provide children with activities to support their basic skills).


In the event of any form of isolation and loss of learning caused by Coronavirus, parents and carers must understand that engagement in the home learning is strongly encouraged in order for children to continue making progress. However, if children themselves are too ill to attend school, they should not be expected to engage in home learning until they have recovered.

Please follow the links below for all remote learning instances: