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020 8854 3637

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East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

East Wickham Primary Academy home page

East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving

Equality Information

We at East Wickham Primary Academy and TKAT will promote equal opportunity and will not tolerate inequality in any area of the school’s life or work. All will be treated equally and given equal access to the curriculum and wider life of the school. All will have equal opportunity to benefit from everything that we offer. Our intention is to develop an ethos in which all will thrive. Diversity and differences will be valued and respected by all and they will contribute to the richness of our school community and the learning within it.


Under the Equality Act 2010, we welcome our general duty to

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by The Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.


 Our Equality Objectives 2023-2027


  • to ensure that arrangements for pupil admissions across the schools are fair and non-discriminatory
  • to minimise any achievement differences between pupils of different genders
  • to minimise any achievement differences between pupils from different ethnic groups
  • to minimise any achievement differences between pupils from different religious groups
  • to minimise any achievement differences between pupils who have disabilities and those who do not.


For further information about how we comply with The Public Sector Equality Duty:

Please click here to view our Equality Policy


Please click here to view our Accessibility Policy