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Phone Number:

020 8854 3637

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School Address:

East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

East Wickham Primary Academy home page

East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving

Trips and Visits

In each year group we try to ensure that we take the children on a trip or visit or provide an experience  to somewhere that will enhance their learning and cultural capital. Below are trips that each year group may go on (although these may change year on year):



Local area walks

Oxleas Woods

Wild Fangs Animal Experience

Belvedere Splash Park


Year 1

Local Area walk

History off the page - Toy workshop

Danson Park


Year 2

Buckingham Palace

Local Area walk

Kent Life - Florence Nightingale

Local Area Walk, EW pond/forest school



Year 3

Lesness Abbey Stone Age experience

Natural History Museum

The British Museum

Pizza Express


Year 4

Greek Day

Thames River walk

Roman Day

Science Museum


Year 5

British Museum

Orienteering in EW Open Space

Place of worship

African Drumming workshop


Year 6

The Clink Prison Museum

Theatre trip 
