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Phone Number:

020 8854 3637

Email Address:

School Address:

East Wickham

Primary Academy,

Wickham Street,

Welling, DA16 3BP

East Wickham Primary Academy home page

East Wickham

Primary Academy

Caring, Supporting, Achieving

The School Day

Across the school, we open our doors 10 minutes before the official start to the day. This is to enable children to complete early morning tasks and ensure learning begins promptly. A member of SLT will always be available on the playground, on each site, to take any messages or information for the class teachers.

End of Nursery session12.00pm
EYFS and KS1 Start Time8:45am
Lessons9:00am - 10:30am
Morning Break10:30am - 10.45am
Lessons10.45am - 12:15pm
LunchEYFS : 11:45am - 1:00pm
 KS1 : 12:15am - 1:15pm
Afternoon Lessons1:15pm - 3:15pm
End of School Day3:15pm
KS2 Start Time8:45am
Lessons9am - 10:35am
Morning Break10:45am - 11.00am
Lessons11.00am - 12:00/12.15pm
LunchYears 3 & 4: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
 Years 5 & 6: 12:15pm - 1:15pm
Lessons1:00/1.15pm - 3:25pm
End of School Day3:25pm



It is important that children arrive in school on time in order for your child to get the most out of the school day and to prevent disruption to their education.



If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason please ensure that you contact the appropriate school office either in person or by telephone as soon as possible.