The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Online Payments

At East Wickham we use an online payment system called Schoolcomms. 

We are no longer able to accept cash/cheques.

By downloading an App on your Smart phone you will be able to make any payments due.

The system meets all GDPR requirements and your data is secure. The payment facility meets all UK standards for security.

If you have children at more than one school who use Schoolcomms you will find all their details via the one App and if necessary you can make just one payment which will be automatically split between the school accounts.

Steps for parents to take:

  1. Download the free Schoolcomms App
  2. Providing your details that you enter agree with those the school hold for you you will receive a text message to activate your account

There is an online help guide and videos for parents with lots of further information:

Parent Support Link

What if I don’t have a smartphone?

You can set up an account on a PC at or you can pay using Paypoint - please see the staff at the school office who can generate a barcode for you to use with Paypoint at a local store

I can download the app but I cannot log-in?

This probably means that the information that the school holds for you ie email and or mobile number is not current, please ensure the school office have up to date details