Pride in our school
Our children are proud to be members of EWPA and wear the uniform. Our school uniform has been designed to be practical for primary school children, but also reflect the high standards expected– it is to be worn with pride at all times.
We believe that it is important that children learn to dress smartly and appropriately. We look to parents to work with the school to ensure that children come to school always maintaining a high standard of dress and with at least a minimum of the correct colours in their clothing.
We value learning so highly that we do not send children home to change. However, we will speak to parents and children if the incorrect uniform is being worn regularly.h
Judgements about acceptability of uniform and appearance can only be made by school staff and ultimately the Co-Headteachers.
The EWPA Uniform
East Wickham Primary Academy uniform colours are burgundy and grey/black.
- All children may wear grey/black trousers/skirts. You may choose from white polo shirts or white traditional shirts.
- All branded uniform is available to buy from Caseys or Matthews School Uniform Shop. (See below)
- Burgundy logo sweatshirts and burgundy logo cardigans are our preferred items to purchase along with a school book bag and PE bag. However, non-branded items are acceptable providing that they are a colour match to the school colours - burgundy.
- In the summer months, grey shorts and red/white checked dresses/culottes may be worn.
- All children must wear suitable black shoes (not trainers or boots).
- We ask that the children have hair tied back for school activities and that hairstyles are suitable for the learning environment with no giant bows or other adornments.
- Children must not wear jewellery to school. Only small stud earrings are permitted. This is for health and safety reasons.
To allow outdoor play to take place in wet weather, pupils are expected to have suitable warm and waterproof clothing in school at all times:
- A waterproof jacket/coat
- A warm fleece, jumper or cardigan
- Winter hat and sun hat (optional)
- Scarves and gloves (optional)
- Welly boots (for Forest School and EYFS)
Branded, and/or designer items of clothing must not to be worn.
PE Uniform
Outdoor PE kit / 'uniform' is worn for the whole day on a child's allocated PE day. These arrangements minimise lost property and maximise time taking part in sport and exercise rather than changing kit. PE uniform to be worn to school:
- EWPA Team colour t-shirt (red, yellow, blue & green)
- Grey, black or burgandy jogging bottoms
- black PE shorts (in summer)
- plain dark trainers/plimsolls
Jogging bottoms or shorts maybe worn for outdoor sessions all through the year or shorts in the warmer months.
Please note, only the EWPA coloured sports tops can be worn - no football tops or other types of tops are permitted.
Indoor PE Kit should be kept in school in a draw string PE bag that can hang on your child's peg. This consists of:
- Black PE shorts
- A plain white t-shirt (no logos or embellishments)
- EWPA book bag
- name labelled water bottle
- EWPA PE bag for indoor kit
Named Items
All items of clothing need to be named and children need to be encouraged at home and school to take care of their own property.
Hair & Jewellery
Hair must be neat and tidy (covered, plaited or in a pony-tail if long). Extreme colours, styles or hair accessories that undermine the ethos or discipline of the school will not be permitted.
No make-up or nail polish is allowed.
Watches, small stud earrings or religious items required by the child’s faith may be worn, please note that parents must first seek permission from the Co Headteachers for these items. No other items of jewellery are allowed.
Loss & Damage
We do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to an individual’s personal property. This includes the Y6 children who bring their phones to school.
Visual Uniform Guide
Daily School Uniform | ||
A burgundy cardigan or jumper |
A white polo shirt or |
Black school shoes – (no trainers) |
Black, grey or white socks or tights |
Summer Uniform: Red/White Gingham dress or grey shorts/culottes |
Grey dress, skirt or trousers |
Children will also need to bring a book bag to school everyday | ||
P.E Kit - Outdoor - Outdoor PE kits are worn in to school on the day that the class has an outdoor PE lesson. |
Black/Grey/Maroon Jogging bottoms |
Coloured Team t-shirt Red-Hillview Blue-Danson Green-Oxleas Yellow-Woodlands |
Black or White trainers |
Indoor PE Kit - Indoor PE kits are kept in school in a PE bag. Children changed for the indoor PE lesson in class.
White t-shirt | Black shorts | PE Kit bag |
Our Uniform policy can be found here.
EWPA Uniform Suppliers
246 Blackfen Road, DA15 8PW | 33 Upper Wickham Lane, DA16 3AD |
0208 850 8645 | 020 8303 1818 |
www.matthewsschoolwear.com |